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String Lighting

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String Lighting information

String lights are the most fun you can have with decorative lighting because they provide so many creative possibilities. Permanent fixtures or that special touch for a celebration, they are a must-have up every home entertainer’s sleeve.

Fairy lights add a magical touch to outdoor spaces, turning a regular patio into a romantic wonderland. String them up along beams or rafters in swags or wind them around large shrubs for a theatrical effect. Try our Copper Wire string lights for a warm glow amongst the leaves.

If you have nothing to hang the lights off, string lights also look beautiful packed into mason jars and lined up along the centre of the outdoor table – no candles needed!

Get inventive inside with your string light décor – these pretty highlights can be a fixed part of your home in so many ways. Use our Silver String lights around a leaning, floor mirror to create a showbiz light effect or string them in lines on a wall and hang polaroid photos off them in a gallery design.

Our Festoon lights with their miniature bulbs on black wire are a smart, modern addition to staircases. Wrap the balustrade with them and turn them on at night for dramatic effect. These string lights are also easy to work with when making shapes and words. A few nails in the outline of a star or your name become hooks that you can thread the lights along – instantly creating your own kind of art when lit up.