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Bed Ends

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Bed Ends information

Bed ends are the ideal way to complete a sophisticated, but comfortable bedroom look. Perfect as a handy seat to put on your shoes or even to lay out your clothes for the next day, it also creates a frame for the bed.

You’ll need enough space in your bedroom for one of these pieces for easy foot traffic around it and so that the bed end doesn’t dominate the room. The ideal choice is a storage bed end. These flip top units can house extra blankets within arm’s reach, can double as a linen cupboard for sheets and pillowcases or even as a spot for heavy jackets and jerseys.

End-of-bed ottomans with storage capacity are excellent tidy-tools for kids' bedrooms. Toys, sports equipment and books can be packed away in a minute while keeping the room looking stylish. Placed in a guest bedroom, a storage bed seat can also act as an extra closet for guests' shoes or for an overflow of your own out-of-season collection.

Regular bed ends are also fabulous as benches in entrance halls. Style them with throw cushions and push them against a wall to provide extra seats and even a spot to rest handbags and school backpacks.

If the bed end you choose is timber and has a flat, solid surface, you can use this piece as a low display table for flowers, photo frames and decorator’s objects. If it’s linen upholstered, try it out as a window seat in your home office or sunroom.