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Bed Bases & Ensembles

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Bed Bases & Ensembles information

What is a Bed Base?

A bed base is the foundation which supports your mattress. The bed base is typically a flat platform or box made of wood, metal, or platform materials. Bed bases are designed to provide a stable and supportive surface for your mattress, ensuring proper alignment of your spine and preventing discomfort throughout the night.

What is a Bed Ensemble?

A bed ensemble, on the other hand, is a combination of a bed base and a mattress. A bed ensemble is usually sold as a single unit and is designed to work together to provide optimal comfort and support. Bed ensembles come in a variety of styles, sizes, and materials to suit individual preferences and sleeping needs.

Benefits of using Bed Base & Bed Ensemble -

Our furniture experts at Freedom highlight the benefits of using a high quality Bed base and bed ensembles:

  • Improved Spinal Alignment: Bed base ensembles provide a stable and even surface for your mattress, promoting proper spinal alignment and reducing back pain or discomfort while sleeping.
  • Enhanced Mattress Support: Bed bases and ensembles help distribute your weight evenly across the mattress. This helps prevent sagging or premature wear and tear of the mattress, hence aiding in extending the lifespan of your mattress.
  • Enhanced Comfort and Sleep Quality: Bed bases and ensembles are usually strong and sturdy, which helps improve sleep quality and comfort levels, hence allowing you to wake up refreshed.

Popular Types of Bed Bases in Australia

Below are some of the most popular types of Bed Bases in Australia:

  • Storage Bed Bases: As the name suggests, storage bed bases come with storage compartments and drawers into the bed base, hence allowing you to have that extra storage space for your bedding, clothes or any other personal items.
  • Adjustable Bed Bases: Adjustable bed bases allow you to adjust and elevate your bed to your desired position. These bed bases are ideal for those who experience acid reflux or sleep related issues.
  • Platform Bed Bases: Platform bed bases provide a sturdy and supportive foundation for your mattress, eliminating the need for a box spring.

Bed Base Sizes in Australia -

Type of Bed BaseBed Base Size (in cms)
Single92 cm x 188 cm
King Single107 cm x 203 cm
Double138 cm x 188 cm
Queen153 cm x 203 cm
King183 cm x 203 cm
Super King203 cm x 203 cm
Extra Long Single92 cm x 218 cm

FAQs -

Q -  What is the difference between a bed base and a bed ensemble?

A - A bed base is the foundation that supports your mattress, while a bed ensemble is a combination of a bed base and a mattress.

Q - Where can I buy a bed base ensemble in Australia?

A - Freedom is your one-stop destination to purchase all kinds of furniture along with bed base and bed ensembles in Australia.

Q -  Does Freedom offer installment payment plans to purchase Bed bases & Bed Ensembles in Australia?

A - We offer interest-free installment payment plans on our Freedom Bed base & bed ensembles through services such as Afterpay, Klarna & more.

Q - Do I need a box spring with a bed base?

A - A box spring is not necessary with a bed base, as the bed base provides the support and structure for the mattress. In fact, using a box spring with a bed base can make the mattress too high.